Love is blooming. Home is flourishing. I'm happy.

I felt like writing something down. But when I opened my Word File, I was like - what do I write about? Every thing is so in it’s place. I’m so happy. Love is blooming. Home is flourishing. I feel in heaven. What is there to write? 

I wake up in the morning very happy. And I sit in the bed just like that. Even if I do something, will it add to my happiness that I already feel? So I sit with myself in silence for how much time I don’t know, feeling awesome for no reason and for every reason.

Then I get up and make myself - and if someone is with me - for all of us - an awesome cup of tea. At least I find it awesome :D And I enjoy it. I then leave for work. If I’m travelling by train, I feel no need to look at my phone or book, or even at the nature outside. I just feel good doing and being nothing.

 And if I see people around me happy, I feel like I’ve done a good job :D  I feel like God who has fulfilled her duty ;)  Then I look at the smiles that I believe, I, have created. Which I have. Coz if my face is  happy, the mirror called world has no other choice, but to reflect it back to me. 

Then I spend a happy day doing whatever I’m doing and come back home joyously. My home has a different aura which I can’t explain. After tea, I take my harmonium and sing and meditate and write and listen to Sufi music and do nothing. If someone’s around, we just find reasons to laugh. I remember this, because I don’t remember any other conversation I’ve ever had with anyone except our laughter. We never discuss anything ‘serious’. Be serious if life takes you seriously. It does not care if you die. So laugh. 

Then with a smile I call it a day. I then sleep. And I always have lovely dreams. And mostly whoever is with me in my dreams is making me laugh. Last night, my grandmother who as departed this world, was tickling me :D 
